
Life humbles you as you age.

You realize how much time you wasted on nonsense.

Why is it so hard to accept rejection and why is it so hard to accept reality? Everything in life is chaos and our mind plays the biggest reason for it. I know how much I think about the future or even the next day, nothing happens, it’s just my thoughts that keep me awake at night. I am not at all an overthinking person, but adult life has made me engage in it for a while now. I never understood people who do overthinking, and say it’s so dangerous. Now I know why it is dangerous. I have learned the hard way that accepting reality is one of the important things you can do to live a peaceful life. There are things in life that are inevitable that cannot be changed and you have only two options. First, let yourself sink in the things that happen and dwell but nothing is going to change. The second one lets your mind accept that it happened now you have to move on. In life, things are going to happen, it’s compulsory to us, it is inevitable we can’t change them but we have to learn how to accept it. The attitude of saying, ‘Yes it happened now, I should not dwell on it and let’s look at the next move.’ Pain is inevitable and it will come back at every interval if people keep suffering for everything then what will happen, you can’t even imagine it. Keep the attitude of thinking about yourself, and give yourself the determination that you are going to live this life however you want. Rejections and failures are inevitable, it is going to come how much you will try to escape it. So be smart, accept those things and work your way to achieve the life you deserve, because life has moments that are inevitable.

Change is inevitable.

Even is you’re not ready for it.

Till we meet again, Be Happy, Be Grateful, and Keep Smiling – a girl who likes to write.

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